Accommodation| Hiking trails | Farm animals | 5 km south of Vimmerby
Start--|--Accommodation/Wohnen---|--Farm shop/Hofladen--|--The farm---|--Activities--|--Photo gallery--|---Contact & Info
Ingebo hagar - the small village just outside Vimmerby
Just in the south of Vimmerby in Småland lies the old village of Ingebo. Here people and animals have lived for hundreds of years. Through their efforts to survive and support themselves, a landscape has been formed. Fields have been cleared out of the rocky soil, and the cultivation rocks and stone walls have been created when stone is laid to stone by dense hands. Through woods and fields, wagon wheels, feet and cloves have cleared paths and driveways. In many ways, we see today the traces of the ancestors and their endeavors.
Today, the families Lindelöf and Pommerenke are operating through the economic association based on KRAV, FSC and PEFC certified land and forestry. Another important starting point for all activities in the village of Ingebo is to "operate without spending". By this we mean that through a thorough cycle of thought, we constantly try to balance the use or consumption of what is being built or planted. The aim is to "use without spending" through this expression "develop the whole village, and all it has to provide, to form a basis for diversity of activities, income opportunities and people. Of course, we try to save energy and other resources in a smart way.
In 2014-2015, thoughts about the circuit work were compiled in a booklet called; We have started our trip from a farm village to a organic village. In the booklet you can read more about the farm, the cultivation, the forest and the cooperation on the farm. You can also read about our ponds as well as about the soles. It's only available in Swedish.
Ingebo hagar Economic Association
On 24 May 2011 formed the cooperative association Ingebo Hagar out of five rural enthusiasts. The goal of the association is to provide a base for a range of activities carried out on the basis of KRAV, FSC and PEFC certified agriculture, forestry and organic animal farming in the village Ingebo.
The aim is to develop the whole village, and all it has to give, to serve as a base for a variety of businesses and people. Together you can accomplish alot! Recycling principles is our aim and a sustainable future our goal!
Today there is the organic cafe, which forms the heart of the village. Around this also conducted an open courtyard with small animals, farm shop, Aunt Agnes guest houses and trails in the forest.
Ingebo village is located 5 km south of Vimmerby in Småland.
About us
Family Lindelöf
On the farm lives Kristina Lindelöf (11th generation) together with her three daughters, Maria, Jenny and Lovisa. In the house the dogs Charlie and Eddie lives. On the farm also lives Gotland sheep, ducks, pigs, chickens, rabbits and cats.
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