Accommodation| Hiking trails | Farm animals | 5 km south of Vimmerby
Start--|---Ingebo hagar--|--Farm shop--|--Accommodation---|--The Farm--|--Photo gallery--|---Contact & Info
To place a booking or only to see the availability, please use our calender below.
If you have any questions or don't find what you are looking for,
please call Kristina at +4670-658 32 12 or send a mail to
To get back to the overview of our accommodations,click here
During June - August
Only possible to check-in and out on Mondays and Thursdays *
Monday-Thursday (3 or 10 nights)
Thursday-Monday (4 or 11 nights)
Monday-Monday (7 or 14 nights)
Thursday-Thursday (7 or 14 nights)
* Applies to all of our accommodations, except tent and camper van pitches.
10 % discount if you book 7 or more nights
Cancellation possible up to 30 days before arrival
Booking terms and condictions can be found here
If you wish to cancel or reschedule an existing booking, please scroll down and fill in the form below the calendar.
Have you already placed a booking and would like to review, change or cancel,
please use the form below.
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